Woodson Merrell MD Consulting
30 Years of Consulting for clients in the Health and Wellness Industries
As a pioneer and leader in Functional and Integrative Medicine for over 35 years, Columbia University-trained Internist Dr. Woodson Merrell has provided consulting services for a wide range of clients including doctors, corporations, insurance companies, hospitals and government health systems.
Select Prior and Current Consulting Clients
Diversified Communications, Enzymedica, Integrative Therapeutics, Mars Chocolates, Urban Zen for Donna Karan, Proctor and Gamble, UCSF Health, Cedars/Sinai Medical Center
Dr. Merrell is Assistant Professor of Medicine, Icahn Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Executive Director of the Integrative Healthcare Symposium.
To contact Dr. Merrell for consulting services, please call the office during business hours, Monday-Friday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST.
What types of services can Dr. Merrell provide?
For Healthcare Providers and Organizations
Understanding Integrative Medicine best practices
Determining evidence basis in Integrative Medicine
Designing a wellness program for your medical practice
Navigating nutritional supplements for your patients
Understanding Longevity Medicine
Navigating the latest in Regenerative Medicine
For Companies
Designing an Integrative Wellness program in the workplace
Strategies for reaching your Integrative Medicine audience
Incorporating Integrative Medicine into your ethos
Designing leading edge wellness products
What experience will Dr. Merrell bring to your organization?
As a pioneer and leader in Functional and Integrative Medicine treating patients for over 35 years, Columbia University-trained Internist Dr. Woodson Merrell has provided consulting services for a wide range of clients including: corporate wellness programs; physicians’ organizations and practices; companies in the wellness space; academic medical programs; nutritional supplement manufacturers; US governmental organizations on a state, local and national level (including both houses of the United States Congress, Federal Trade Commission and New York State Department of Health); international healthcare systems and organizations including in the United Kingdom, Oman, India, South Korea, Germany and the Netherlands. He has overseen consumer and academic training programs (research and education) for numerous academic medical centers including at his alma-mater, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is currently Executive Director of the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual CME Conference, and from 1998-2015 was Founding Executive Director of the nation’s most comprehensive Integrative Medicine clinical care site with 24 practitioners completing 70,000 patient visits per year.
Select Prior and Current Consulting Clients
Mars Chocolates, Chocolats Debauve and Gallais, Pursuit of Tea, Proctor and Gamble, WeWork, CITCO Group, Power Pilates, Enzymedica, Solgar, Integrative Therapeutics, NYS Young Professionals Organization, NY State Business Group on Health
Aviv Clinics, The Washton Group, Future-Med (Ames Research Center), Oxford Health Plans, Institute of Functional Medicine, Lanserhof (Germany), NY College of Health Professions
Greenwich Hospital, St. Barnabas Healthcare System, Beth Israel Medical Center (New York), Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Healthcare, Inc
Academic Medical Centers
Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, UCSF Health, UNC School of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, European Congress of Integrative Medicine
Wellness Organizations
La Palestra NYC, NY Zen Center for Contemplative Care, Urban Zen by Donna Karan, NY Open Center
Governmental Organizations
NY State Dept of Health Board of Professional Medical Conduct, NIH Institute of Medicine, UN Security Council, Federal Trade Commission, Dutch National Healthcare System, Oman Ministry of Health
Diversified Communications, Martha Stewart Living, O Magazine, Dr. Oz Show